Buffalo hump and weight loss: possible treatment?

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La bison hump comes from an accumulation of fat at the level of the posterior region of the neck and shoulders. Overweight and obesity are a major risk factor for this pathology. One might therefore think that the losing weight could help treat buffalo hump. This is exactly the subject of this article.

What is the buffalo hump?

It is at the base of the neck that is formed the buffalo hump. It is a fatty mass that sometimes becomes very bulky and hinders the movement of the head. It can extend from the neck to the shoulders.

La bison hump is due to an overgrowth of slowly growing fatty tissue. It most often occurs in adulthood, regardless of race or sex. However, a greater number of cases have been observed in women.

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The most common causes of buffalo hump formation are hormonal imbalance and poor posture. The latter causes a curvature in the cervical region (kyphosis) which is also a factor in the disease. In rarer cases, the bump can come from specific pathologies such as lipohypertrophy. It is the abnormal accumulation of fatty tissue in different specific areas of the body including the neck.

Le buffalo hump hazard also increases in the presence of factors such as overweight, scoliosis, muscle weakness, hormonal diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.

In terms of symptoms, apart from the unsightly lump in the neck and shoulders, other problems may appear: pain and stiffness in the neck, stiffness in the shoulders, tension headache...

To know everything about the bison hump (including support), see the following article.

Weight loss: possible treatment for buffalo hump?

As being overweight promotes buffalo hump formation, losing weight could actually reduce the risk. For those who already suffer from it, it allows the swelling to regress. This is also what doctors specializing in the field think.

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Moreover, it seems that being overweight is one of the most favorable conditions for the development of lipohypertrophy.

So what to do to lose weight effectively? The answer is known to everyone. To fight against excess fat in the body, sport and food rebalancing are the easiest solutions. Indeed, in accompaniment with sports exercises, a healthy and balanced diet helps to lose weight better.

If despite the weight loss, the bison hump does not reduce, it is sometimes useful to resort to a more important intervention. We will speak here of a liposuction. It is a surgical operation which consists in modifying the silhouette by sucking the fatty deposits contained in the ball.




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