Can you drive with cruralgia? (explanations)

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Travel by car become relatively complicated when one suffers from cruralgia. In some cases, the pain turns out to be unbearable as travel or certain hobbies have to be taken off the agenda. Several questions then arise: can we drive with cruralgia ? Is it possible to optimize car journeys if you suffer from cruralgia? The answer in this article.

Reminder on cruralgia


Cruralgia, also called crural neuralgia, is a disorder similar to sciatica, but which stems from a compressing the crural nerve or femoral nerve. This is'a sensory and motor nerve of the anterior face of our thigh near the vertebrae lumbar. This phenomenon of compression caused by the intervertebral discs causes pain in the front of this area down to the feet, passing through the inner side of the knee.

If the damage is at the level of the nerve root, the painful sensations can go up to the lower back. It looks like lumbocruralgia with or without blockage.

The throbbing pain from a nervous irritation and inflammatory process accompanied by other symptoms. It goes from one muscular weakness from the leg to a total or partial paralysis of the member in question. Tingling and burning sensations from the thigh to the knee may occur.

The causes of cruralgia and aggravating factors

The frequency of cruralgia increases with age. This condition is often caused by arthritis, a vertebral compaction or an herniated disc.

It can also occur following a psoas muscle hematoma attaching the thigh to the trunk and rarely after an infection or cancerous tumor.

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Added to this is prolonged sitting or posture that promotes backward migration of the disc.

The long car journeys prove to be particularly difficult for people who suffer from crural neuralgia or "frontal sciatica". The situation can get worse if the space in the vehicle is limited or the seats lack comfort. The conditions are therefore not ideal if you have to use your car frequently to go to work, for example.

In short, driving with cruralgia is not at all obvious.

Is it possible to drive with crural neuralgia?

The long car journeys prove to be particularly difficult for people with crural neuralgia or "frontal sciatica".

As with a herniated disc, prolonged sitting while driving may increase the load on the spine, especially in the lumbar region. In addition, along the way, the body constantly experiences vibrations and numerous shocks. This condition puts you at greater risk of compression of the roots of the crural nerve, which will promote pain and other symptoms of cruralgia.

The situation can get worse if the space in the vehicle is limited or the seats lack comfort.

Faced with these conditions, one might think that traveling by car is painful for people who suffer from cruralgia. However, nothing says that it is forbidden to drive. You just have to try to find the right tricks to preserve the back and prevent the tensions exerted on the crural nerve.

Driving with cruralgia: 5 tips to make your car journeys easier

Most cases of cruralgia do not necessarily require surgery. Learning to live with the symptoms is a good alternative. It is necessary to adjust one's activities to avoid aggravating the situation and leading to a recurrence of the disease.

Promote the most comfortable position possible before departure

If feelings of pain arise when you get into your car, start by adjusting your seat. It will also be necessary to position the mirror of the rear view mirror as high as possible. This trick will be useful for maintain good posture and prevent sagging.

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Install a towel or cushion in the hollow of your back

An upright position relieves pain in the back, thigh or leg. It is recommended to use a rolled up towel or lumbar cushion to place in the lower back. Increase lordosis (curvature in the spine) often reduces symptoms of cruralgia when behind the wheel.

If you opt for the rolled towel, it is better to adjust its thickness in order to avoid hyperlordosis.

Use cruise control if possible

Le cruise control or “Cruise Control” is a very useful device during long car journeys. It helps to put less tension on the nerves, including the crural nerve. Concretely, the fact of not extending the legs as in conventional driving conditions can soothe the pain.

Move in your car

Generally, lower back pain worsens when one is inactive or adopts a prolonged sitting posture. It is useful to perform a few movements from time to time to prevent the joints and muscles from stiffening. You can for example move the deep muscles, retract the cervical or tilt your pelvis.

Also move outside your vehicle

THEphysical activity is one of the most effective methods for the treatment of back problems, especially crural neuralgia. Whether it'slumbar stabilization exercises oraerobic exercises, a regular exercise routine can go a long way in relieving lower back, thigh, and leg pain. It also brings several benefits to your general health.

La reintroduction of physical activity is recommended to recover quickly from cruralgia. This should be done through the muscle work and ideally from abdominal sheathing. The objective is to re-muscle your back, the stabilizers of your pelvis and your abdominal strap.

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The work done will be useful to effectively treat the condition while limiting the risk of a possible relapse. The muscular reinforcement in question can be supplemented by the engaging in daily cardiovascular activity lasting 30 minutes.

The ideal is to opt for non-painful activities such as swimming, cycling or brisk walking.

It is advisable to consider the physiotherapy, recognized for its good results in the majority of cases of crural neuralgia. A physiotherapist can you help define a suitable program and help reduce symptoms. This program will also be useful for prevent the risk of recurrence and to optimize your functional abilities including during your car journeys.

In short, if you have to drive with cruralgia, it is better to take the necessary precautions to limit pain and possible complications.



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