Low back pain, considered a common problem of our times due to its high incidence, can take different forms and have a negative impact on daily life. Although it is recommended to consult a specialist in case of back pain, hypnosis can be extremely beneficial in relieving pain.
Nowadays, hypnosis is widely used in hospital settings because of the remarkable results it offers in terms of pain management. Its use extends from anesthesia to analgesia, thus covering a wide range of situations such as pain related to low back pain.
What exactly is low back pain, and what causes it?
Low back pain, also known as "kidney pain", is characterized by pain located in the lower back region, in the lower back. This is a common problem and, in the vast majority of cases, not serious. It 84% of the population at some point in their lives. Several factors can favor its appearance. First, there is the impact of age. This is a risk factor, because the frequency of low back pain increases gradually throughout life. Paradoxically, due to the growing sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity, young people are also increasingly affected.
In addition, sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity are often the cause of back pain. The muscles weaken, no longer play their role optimally, which can lead to pain in the lower back.
In addition, the physical stresses associated with various activities, whether professional, domestic or leisure, can contribute to low back pain. These lower back pains are part of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) that can occur in different contexts, such as:
- Poor postures: This includes awkward postures or prolonged sitting.
- Accidental falls.
- Exposure to whole body vibration.
- Physical activity: Although physical activity is beneficial, it can be excessive, unbalanced, static or time-constrained in the workplace.
- Physical inactivity.
Finally, note that certain psychosocial factors can increase the risk of developing chronic low back pain, as well as other disorders related to back pain. Among these factors are:
- Psychosocial constraints: monotony of tasks, professional dissatisfaction, lack of recognition in exchange for efforts made, etc.
- Certain psychological factors such as depressed mood.
It is therefore of great importance to discuss these aspects with your general practitioner and/or your occupational physician, as they can help you in these situations. Their support and advice can be invaluable in preventing the chronicity of low back pain and promoting your well-being.
To close this section, note that it is also essential to relieve pain and to maintain or quickly resume physical activity in order to prevent the onset of pain. By maintaining the health of our backs, strengthening the muscles and improving the flexibility of the ligaments, we promote healing and avoid chronic back problems.
However, whether the pain is of muscular or articular origin, and whether it manifests itself specifically in the lumbar region or elsewhere, the approach of hypnotherapy remains the same.
Use hypnotherapy to treat lower back pain
Doctors have seen a significant improvement in symptoms and a reduction in the use of painkillers in patients treated with hypnosis for pain relief. This improvement in the quality of life has enabled them to pursue their professional activities with more serenity.
Many hospitals around the world have integrated hypnosis in their services, thus demonstrating its clinical recognition. However, its scientific effectiveness remains to be proven.
A scientific study has proven the effectiveness of hypnosis in the treatment of low back pain
Fanny Nusbaum, a researcher at a laboratory based in Lyon, France, conducted a study involving 15 patients with chronic lower back pain. The brain activity of these patients was measured in different states: at rest, in a state of wakefulness with a suggestion of analgesia, and in a state of hypnosis with the same suggestion of analgesia. The results revealed that patients in awake state reported a 28% decrease in pain, while those under hypnosis experienced a 64% reduction in pain, accompanied by activation of a cognitive brain network. -emotional.
The superiority of hypnosis compared to the waking state is explained by its impact on the emotional aspect of the patient, in addition to its sensory dimension. Additionally, there are many factors that greatly increase the risk of developing lower back pain, and hypnosis has a range of tools that allow it to act directly on these risk factors, such as lack of activity fitness, sports overwork, overweight, poor posture, smoking, prolonged stress and depression.
Using self-hypnosis as a way to relieve lower back pain
Plus, your therapist can teach you self-hypnosis techniques to relieve pain no matter where you are. These techniques can be learned during a specific session dedicated to this learning.
The advantage of mastering self-hypnosis techniques is that they can be practiced anywhere, including in a professional environment, as soon as you feel the pain reappear.
The duration of hypnosis work to relieve low back pain varies from patient to patient, but usually a few sessions are enough to treat this problem. Therapeutic hypnosis is widely recognized as an effective method for treating various problems, and more and more medical professionals are recommending this approach.
By way of conclusion, it should be remembered that hypnosis can indeed help relieve the pain of low back pain. This is one of the many benefits that hypnosis offers to those who practice it because besides that, hypnosis is of paramount importance in the eradication of several evils in society and in the outbreak of many people physically, morally and intellectually. So, what are you waiting for to embark on this particular and unique adventure that is hypnosis?