Muscular back pain: what to do? (difference with inflammation)

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Most people face the times de Both of you at one time or another in their lives. There are two main types of back pain: mechanical pain and inflammatory pain.

Le times de Both of you mechanical is caused by injury or strain, while the times de Both of you inflammatory is caused by inflammation.

It can be difficult to tell the difference between the two, but certain signs will help you identify the type of times de Both of you that you feel. In this article, we will discuss the differences between the times de Both of you mechanical and times de Both of you inflammatory.

Spine anatomy

La spine (or spine) is made up of 33 vertebrae, which are separated into 5 different regions. The cervical spine is made up of 7 vertebrae and is located in the neck. The thoracic spine is made up of 12 vertebrae and is found in the chest.

La lumbar spine is made up of 5 vertebrae and is located in the lower back. The sacral spine, made up of 5 vertebrae, is located at the base of the column vertebral. The coccygeal column is made up of 4 vertebrae and is located at the very bottom of the spine

  • La spinal cord : The spinal cord is a long, thin bundle of nerves that runs down the middle of the spine. It extends from the brainstem to the region lumbar de la column vertebral. The spinal cord carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body. It also controls the movements and sensations of the body.
  • Spinal nerves: There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves, which are divided into 5 different regions. The nerves cervical are located in the neck. The thoracic nerves are located in the chest. The nerves lumbar are located in the lower back. The nerves Holy are located at the base of the spine. The coccygeal nerves are located at the base of the spine.
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The causes of back pain

When it comes to back pain, there are two main types: muscular and inflammatory. Muscular back pain is usually caused by overuse, strain or strain.

Le inflammatory back pain, meanwhile, is caused by conditions such as arthritis or spondyloarthritis. Although they are different types of pain, there are common causes for both.

Here are some of the most common causes of muscle pain and inflammation of the back :

Each of these factors can contribute to one or another type of back pain, so it is important to be aware of this. Take steps to improve your posture, staying active and reducing stress can help prevent back pain.

If you already have back pain, various treatments such as exercise, stretching, massage, and heat therapy can help relieve it.

Difference Between Muscular and Inflammatory Back Pain

Le times de Both of you is a common problem that affects people of all ages. There are two main types of back pain: muscular and inflammatory.

Le times de Both of you muscular is caused by overuse or strain on the muscles and tendons of the back. the times de Both of you inflammatory is caused by conditions such as arthritis, spinal stenosis or disc degeneration.

Treatment for muscular back pain usually includes rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers.

Le treatment of inflammatory back pain may include physical therapy, medications, injections steroids or surgery.

The two types of back pain can often be difficult to tell apart, but there are a few key differences.

Muscular back pain is usually localized to one area and worsens with activity. Inflammatory back pain is often more prevalent and can sometimes be accompanied by nighttime pain, morning stiffness, fever, and weight loss.

If you are unsure of the type of back pain you are experiencing, it is important to see a doctor for a diagnostic correct. With proper treatment, most people can find relief from their back pain.

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Signs and symptoms

The most common symptom of muscular back pain is a dull pain and painful that worsens with movement. It affects, for example, the middle back, the region between the shoulder blades or the lower back. Other signs and symptoms include stiffness, tenderness, and muscle spasms. It is often aggravated during sports activities.

Inflammatory back pain is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, and stiffness. It is often accompanied by fever and chills. If you have any of these symptoms, it's important to see a doctor so they can properly diagnose your condition and recommend treatment options.


There are several things you can do to prevent le times de muscular or inflammatory back, including exercising regularly, maintaining good posture and lifting objects optimally.

Consult to clarify the source of the problem

The first step in treating back pain is to see a medical professional to identify the source of the problem. Depending on the nature of the pain, it can be caused by muscle problems, inflammatory conditions, or other factors.

Once the source of the pain is determined, a treatment plan can be developed to address the underlying problem.

In some cases, back pain can be caused by a combination of factors, and a multidisciplinary approach may be needed to achieve relief.

Whatever the cause, however, effective treatment begins with an accurate diagnosis. By working with a medical professional to identify the source of the problem, you can begin to develop a plan to relieve your back pain.

Treatment of different types of back pain

There are many treatment options for back pain, depending on the cause and nature of the problem. the muscular back pain can often be treated with over-the-counter pain medication, ice, heat, and rest.

If these treatments don't provide relief, your doctor may recommend physical therapy or surgery.

Inflammatory back pain is usually treated with anti-inflammatory drugsas an ibuprofen.

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If these medications don't provide relief, your doctor may recommend steroid injections or surgery.

But there are conventional treatments that work just as well!

Conventional strategies for your back pain

If you chronic back pain is often treated with medication, there are a number of conventional methods which can provide relief without the use of medication. This is in particular creams and ointments, thermotherapy, self-massage with a tennis ball, stretching and exercises.

Some of these methods may be more effective than others for certain types of back pain. For example, heat therapy may be more helpful for muscular back pain, while stretching and exercising may be more beneficial for inflammatory back pain.

However, the best approach may vary between individuals. Talk to your doctor or your physiotherapist (physiotherapist) to determine which strategy is best for you.


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