Visceral low back pain: Definition and management

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Do you suffer back pain ? Did you know that low back pain could be related to the visceral sphere ? Visceral low back pain is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors.

In this article, we will discuss the definition and management of visceral low back pain. We will also explore the causes and symptoms of this condition. So if you are looking for information on how to deal with visceral low back pain, keep reading!

What is low back pain? Definition

La lumbago is one of the most common complaints in adults. It can be caused by various factors, including muscle tension, a poor posture and arthritis. Chronic low back pain is defined as pain in the lumbar region that has been present for more than three months.

This pain may radiate to the buttock, iliac crest, even the thigh, and only exceptionally exceeds the knee. If this is the case, then disc involvement or neuropathy is suspected (herniated disc, sciatica, cruralgia, etc.).

Although the lumbago be often debilitating, it is rarely life-threatening. With proper treatment, most people are able to find relief from their symptoms and return to normal activities.

The visceral sphere: Definition

La sphere of human activity which is closely related to the functioning of the internal organs is called the visceral sphere. Its main characteristic is the almost total absence of voluntary control over its operations.

The process by which we assimilate food, for example, is largely automatic and requires no conscious effort on our part.

The same is true for many other processes that take place in our body, such as breathing and circulation. This lack of voluntary control can be seen as a disadvantage, but it also has some advantages.

Because they are not under conscious control, these processes can proceed smoothly and without interruption, provided the normal functioning of organs concerned not be disturbed.

If we were to consciously control all processes of assimilation, for example, we would quickly exhaust ourselves. Likewise, if we had to be constantly aware of the need to breathe, we would be unable to concentrate on anything else.

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In general, therefore, it can be said that the visceral sphere performs its functions efficiently and without undue interference from the conscious mind. However, it is not entirely free of problems. One of the most important is that of ill health.

De many diseases affect internal organs and disrupt their normal functioning. Consequently, the proper functioning of the visceral system is disturbed and the person experiences pain and discomfort.

Some visceral issues

Some people feel chest pain, burning sensations or other problems with the digestive system which seem to be related to stress. We then speak of visceral problems.

Although the exact cause of visceral problems is unclear, they are thought to be due to a combination of psychological and physical factors like low back pain.

For example, people under chronic stress are more likely to develop ulcers or others stomach problems.

Also, the muscles in the stomach and intestines can tense and contract when a person is under stress, which can lead to lower back pain or other symptoms.

If the visceral low back pain can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, it's usually not a big deal. However, if you have chronic symptoms or severe, you should see a doctor to rule out any other potential causes.

What is visceral low back pain? what are the most common causes?

La visceral low back pain is a type of low back pain caused by problems with internal organs, such as the kidneys or intestines.

Although this condition may seem rare, it is actually quite common and affects up to 30% of adults at some point in their life.

The exact underlying cause of the visceral low back pain can be difficult to determine, as it is often associated with other conditions, such as kidney stones or gastrointestinal problems.

La visceral low back pain can also be caused by pregnancy, menstrual period or a variety of other factors. Symptoms of this condition may include pain in the lower back region that radiates to the shoulder, buttock or thigh.

However, some common causes include inflammation of the abdominal organs, hernias (such as umbilical hernia and inguinal hernia), and endometriosis.

Symptoms of visceral low back pain

La visceral low back pain describes the experience of discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen that is caused by a problem with one or more abdominal organs.

The pain may be sharp or dull and radiate to the back, hips or thighs. Visceral low back pain is often confused with other types of lower back pain, such as lumbago muscle or sciatica.

What is the diagnosis for visceral low back pain?

Le diagnosis of visceral low back pain begins with a medical history and physical examination. The doctor will ask about the nature and location of the pain, as well as any other symptoms.

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Personalized imaging exams, such as ultrasound or MRI, may be requested to exclude other pathologies. In some cases, a laparoscopy may be necessary to visualize the abdominal organs and confirm the diagnosis.


Le visceral low back pain treatment usually focuses on relieving the underlying condition. This may involve medication, surgery, or a lifestyle change.

For example, if constipation is causing the pain, increase the fiber intake and drinking plenty of fluids can help. If the pain is due to an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.

In some cases, however, the cause of visceral lumbago may not be determined, and treatment focuses on relieving symptoms.

Treat underlying causes

If an underlying condition is causing your visceral low back pain, treatment will focus on relieving that condition. For instance :

  • If the constipation is causing the pain, your doctor may recommend that you increase your fiber intake and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Si the pain is due to an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.
  • Si the pain is related to pregnancy, over-the-counter or prescription medications may be recommended to relieve symptoms.
  • Si endometriosis is the cause of the pain, hormone therapy or surgery may be recommended.

Relieve symptoms

If the cause of your visceral low back pain cannot be determined or treated, your doctor may focus on relieving your symptoms with medication.

Personalized anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, may be recommended. In some cases, painkillers may be needed. If the pain is severe, your doctor may recommend local anesthetic injections.

Living with visceral low back pain

If you've been diagnosed with visceral low back pain, there are steps you can take to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

  • First of all, it is important to maintain good postural hygiene. This means avoiding prolonged static postures whenever possible. In times of crisis, it is relevant to reduce the stress on vertebrae Sit up straight with your shoulders back and your feet flat on the floor. When standing, make sure to evenly distribute your weight on both feet.
  • Second, a regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles that support your spine and improve your range of motion. Low-impact activities, such as swimming or walking, are particularly helpful and reassuring for people with low back pain.
  • Third, try to maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight puts extra pressure on your spine and can make your symptoms worse.
  • Finally, try to deal with stress in a healthy way. Stress can make pain worse. So it can be helpful to find ways to relax and de-stress.
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Osteopathy, in its visceral approach

Although it is generally believed that the lower back pain originate from the muscles, bones and joints of the spine, they can also be the result of an abnormality in one or more abdominal viscera.

This relationship is explained by two mechanisms according to the approach osteopathic visceral.

1. The first is a nervous mechanism. When an abdominal viscus is the seat of pain, the interpreter nervous system the pain signal not only at the level of the zone concerned (the viscus), but also at the level of the dermatome, the myotome, the angiotome and the sclerotome corresponding to the affected territory.

2. The second mechanism is mechanical. Alignment and balance of the different segments of the spine are provided by ligaments, muscles and joints. If a vertebrate moves abnormally, it will compress or irritate neighboring structures: joints, discs, ligaments, muscles, etc.

This compression or irritation may also lead to lower back pain. Thus, understanding the relationship between abdominal viscera and lower back painhealth professionals like osteopaths can better treat this common condition.

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