4 Effective Exercises to Relieve Spinal Osteoarthritis

A sporty woman

Osteoarthritis of the spine, also called facet osteoarthritis ou lumbar arthritis, can cause chronic pain and limitations in daily movement. Fortunately, proper exercises can help relieve this pain and improve your back mobility.

In this article, I propose to you four simple exercises but effective for those suffering from lumbar osteoarthritis.

My name is Anas, a physical therapist, and I will guide you through these movements. Be sure to read until the end, where I will offer you a surprise to further help you in managing your pain.

What is Spinal Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis of the spine is a progressive wearing away of the cartilage in the spinal joints. It can affect flexibility and cause pain, stiffness and nerve irritation in the lower back.

These symptoms may limit your daily activities, but the good news is that there are exercises that can improve your quality of life by reducing pain and strengthening the muscles around the spine.

Exercises to Relieve Lumbar Osteoarthritis

1. Cat and Camel Exercise (Spinal Mobilization)

This exercise allows mobilize the spine andadapt the movements depending on your pain.

  • Starting position: Get on all fours on a comfortable surface (use a yoga mat to protect your knees).
  • Movement : Alternate between rounding your back (like a cat) and arching your spine (like a camel).
  • Maintenance: Choose the movement that gives you the most relief (flexion or extension) and hold this position for 5 seconds, then return to the neutral position.
  • Repetitions: Repeat this movement 20 times as tolerated.

This exercise is ideal for relieve pain related to osteoarthritis by gently mobilizing the spine.

2. Knees to chest pull

This movement helps to stretch the lumbar muscles and relieve tension in the lower back area.

  • Starting position: Lie on your back with your knees bent.
  • Movement : Grab one leg and gently pull it towards your chest. Hold this position for 5 seconds.
  • Variant : If this is too easy, extend the opposite leg to add a stretch hip flexors.
  • Repetitions: Perform 20 repetitions (10 on each side), adjusting the angle if you feel any pinching in your hip.

This exercise allows you tostretch the lower back and relieve lower back pain.

3. Trunk rotation

Controlled trunk rotation is essential to maintain the functional mobility of your spine.

  • Starting position: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your ankles and knees together.
  • Movement : Rotate your knees to the right while pulling your arms to the left, creating a twist in your spine. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Repetitions: Repeat 20 times, alternating sides.

This exercise helps to stretch and mobilize the spine while reducing stiffness.

4. Bridge exercise

Strengthening the core muscles is essential for stabilize the column and prevent future pain.

  • Starting position: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Movement : Slowly lift your hips off the floor into a bridge, holding the position for 5 seconds.
  • Progress: For added difficulty, lift one leg after lifting your hips, then return to the starting position.
  • Repetitions: Do 20 reps (two sets of 10).

This exercise strengthens the trunk muscles and lower back, helping to stabilize the vertebrae.

When and How to Do These Exercises?

These exercises can be performed once a day, ideally either in the morning to activate circulation and lubricate your joints, or in the evening to help reduce stiffness.

The goal is to practice regularly these movements to maintain the flexibility and mobility of your spine.

Hint: If you feel slight pain during an exercise, take a break. If the pain goes away after the break, you can continue with caution. However, if the pain persists, stop exercising and consult a healthcare professional.

For further information: Free 21-day program against back pain

To help you resume physical activity safely, I invite you to try my 21 day program against back pain, 100% free.

👉 Sign up here for the 21 Day Back Pain Program

For a more comprehensive approach, discover Lombafit Studio, a platform dedicated to guided exercises to relieve and prevent back pain.

👉 Discover Lombafit Studio here


Osteoarthritis of the spine can be painful and debilitating, but by incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can reduce symptoms and regain mobility. Remember that Consistency is the key to improve your condition in the long term.

To go further and integrate a more structured program, do not hesitate to register for our 21 day free program.

Thank you for reading and good recovery to all!


Alfred C. Gellhorn , Jeffrey N. Katz et Pradeep Suri (2012). Osteoarthritis of the spine: the facet joints. Published in Nature Reviews Rheumatology.

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