4 McKenzie Method Exercises to Relieve Your Neck Pain

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Are you tired of neck pain disrupting your daily life? Discover this series of exercises inspired by the McKenzie method, specially designed to relieve your tension and improve the mobility of your neck.

With targeted movements to correct misalignments and reduce pain, these exercises may just be the key to regaining lasting comfort.

My name is Anas, physiotherapist, and I will guide you through 4 simple and progressive exercises, specially designed for those who feel neck pain, radiation in the arm, or numbness.

Symptoms of neck pain

Neck pain can be exacerbated in the morning upon waking, after long periods of sitting or in front of a screen. This pain can remain localized in the neck or spread to the shoulders, trapezius muscles, or even go down the arm.

When the pain radiates to the arm, it may be a sign of a aggravation, often caused by irritation of the nerve roots in the cervical region.

The McKenzie Method: What is it?

La McKenzie method is a self-treatment technique, meaning you can perform these exercises yourself, at home, to relieve your symptoms in the short and long term.

The goal is to centralize the symptoms, that is, to bring the pain that radiates down the arm back to the source of the problem in the neck. These repetitive movements will mobilize your cervical vertebrae, reduce the strain on your nerves and help eliminate inflammation.

Before we start, listen to your body. If these exercises make your symptoms worse despite rest, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

Exercise 1: Cervical retraction (easy level)

This basic exercise is very effective for reduce pressure on your cervical vertebrae and relax the suboccipital muscles, responsible for many headaches.

How to do :

  1. Lie on your back on a comfortable surface.
  2. Gently tuck your chin in to create a double chin.
  3. Hold the position for 2 to 3 seconds, then release.

Repeat 10 times. If this exercise does not cause pain, do it. 4 to 5 times a day.

Hint: If the exercise is too easy, you can progress to the next version, by performing the exercise in sitting ou standing.

Exercise 2: Cervical retraction with overpressure

If you have mastered the basic exercise well, you can add a light overpressure to further stretch the muscles and vertebrae.

How to do :

  1. While sitting or standing, gently tuck your chin in.
  2. Use your fingers to apply a light pressure on your chin, reinforcing the stretch.
  3. Hold the position for 2 to 3 seconds, then release.

Repeat 10 times, then do this exercise 4 to 5 times a day. This exercise is excellent for improving mobility and reducing strain on the cervical discs.

Exercise 3: Cervical retraction with extension

This exercise is a progression of the previous one, and is especially helpful if you have pain radiating down your arm.

How to do :

  1. Tuck your chin in as in the previous exercise.
  2. Gently lift your head back to create a cervical extension.
  3. Hold this position 2 to 3 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

Repeat 10 times. This movement is designed for stretch the vertebrae et reduce pressure on the cervical nerves, helping to centralize symptoms and relieve radiation into the arm.

Exercise 4: Cervical retraction with head lift

The last exercise is the most advanced and is only suitable if you are comfortable with the previous ones. It combines the cervical retraction and head takeoff for maximum stretch.

How to do :

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Tuck your chin in, then slowly lift your head, keeping your chin tucked.
  3. Try to raise your head as high as possible while maintaining a neutral posture.

Repeat this exercise 10 times, and do it 4 to 5 times a day.


All of these events offer an exceptional opportunity for young international arbitration practitioners to debate with eminent specialists in a friendly and open format and setting. 4 exercises based on the McKenzie method are designed to relieve your neck pain and radiation into your arms. By practicing them regularly, you should see a noticeable improvement in your symptoms and mobility.


Always monitor your symptoms. If pain worsens or numbness occurs, stop immediately and consult a professional.

For further information: Free 21-day program against back pain

To help you resume physical activity safely, I invite you to try my 21 day program against back pain, 100% free.

👉 Sign up here for the 21 Day Back Pain Program

For a more comprehensive approach, discover Lombafit Studio, a platform dedicated to guided exercises to relieve and prevent back pain.

👉 Discover Lombafit Studio here


Adrian Popescu et Doctor Haewon Lee (2020). Neck and lower back pain.

Cote, P. ∙ Cassidy, J.D. ∙ ​​Carroll, L. Saskatchewan Health and Back Pain Survey. Prevalence of neck pain and associated disabilities among Saskatchewan adultsSpine. 1998; 23 : 1689-1698

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