You feel severe pain that starts in your lower back and spreads down your leg? Are you experiencing numbness, tingling, or even muscle weakness that are interfering with your daily activities? It could well be that the sciatica be the cause.
Caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve — the longest nerve in the human body — this condition can result from multiple factors, such as a herniated disc, lumbar osteoarthritis or a piriformis syndrome. Discover 11 targeted exercises to soothe this pain and regain a better quality of life.
My name is Anas, a physiotherapist, and during my practice I have accompanied many patients suffering from sciatica. Today I want to share with you 11 specific exercises to help you relieve sciatica, while taking care of test each exercise to make sure it is well tolerated by your body.
How do you know if an exercise is good for you?
Not all exercises are suitable for every case of sciatica. That's why I use a simple method to evaluate each movement: the method of traffic lights.
- Green light : If the exercise does not cause any pain or discomfort, it is good for you and you can continue.
- Orange light : If the exercise causes slight pain that goes away after a break, it is tolerable, but don't push it too far.
- Red light : If pain persists after exercise or worsens, stop exercising immediately and consult a professional.
The goal : Choose 3-4 exercises from the following, eliminating red lights, and repeat them every day for 10 days to assess improvement.
Exercise 1: Lumbar decompression
This exercise allows decompress the vertebrae and reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve.
- Place two chairs side by side.
- Lean on the chairs so that your arms support the weight of your upper body.
- Let your feet lightly touch the ground for stability.
- Hold the position for 3 to 10 seconds depending on your tolerance.
Exercise 2: Mobilization of the sciatic nerve in a sitting position
This exercise mobilizes the nerve in its sheath without too much constraint.
- Sit on a chair with your right leg slightly raised (if the sciatica is on the right).
- Bring your toes towards you while lifting your head towards the sky.
- Hold this position for 3 seconds, then release.
- Repeat 10 at 15 times.
Exercise 3: Mobilization of the sciatic nerve in a lying position
A gentler alternative to mobilize the nerve.
- Lie on your back, bend your knees and bring one leg towards you (the leg affected by sciatica).
- Bring your toes towards you and then release.
- Do 10 to 15 repetitions.
Exercise 4: McKenzie-type decompression technique
This exercise aims to reduce pressure on the intervertebral disc to relieve sciatic pain.
- Place your right shoulder against a wall (if the sciatica is on the left).
- With your left hand on your hip, gently push your hips toward the wall.
- Do a back and forth motion, 10 to 15 repetitions.
Exercise 5: Decompression in a lying position
A variation of the McKenzie exercise, in a lying position.
- Lie on your stomach, shift your hips to the right (if the sciatica is on the left).
- Push through your arms to lift your upper body slightly, as in the cobra pose in yoga.
- Hold for 3 seconds then release. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
Exercise 6: Piriformis stretch (on your back)
The piriformis muscle can sometimes compress the sciatic nerve. This exercise helps to loosen it up.
- Lie on your back and bring your left knee towards your right shoulder (if the sciatica is on the left).
- Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Exercise 7: Piriformis stretch (seated)
A seated variation to stretch the piriformis.
- Sit down and place your left ankle on your right knee.
- Lean forward while keeping your spine straight.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Exercise 8: One-sided bridge
This exercise strengthens the gluteal muscles and stabilizes the pelvis.
- Lie on your back with your knees bent.
- Lift your buttocks while keeping your right heel on the floor (for left sciatica).
- Do 10 to 15 repetitions.
Exercise 9: “Dog raising its paw”
Another exercise to strengthen the gluteal muscles.
- On all fours, lift your leg outward, like a dog lifting its paw.
- Do 10 to 15 repetitions for each side.
Exercise 10: Gentle lumbar rotation
This exercise helps to stretch the lumbar region and release the sciatic nerve.
- Lie on your back with your knees bent.
- Rotate your knees to the left (if the sciatica is on the right) while keeping your right shoulder on the floor.
- Hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Exercise 11: Massage with a tennis ball
The piriformis muscle can be released using a tennis ball.
- Place a tennis ball under your buttocks (affected side).
- Apply moderate pressure while gently rolling the ball under the muscle.
- Do this for 2 minutes.
By testing these exercises and evaluating their effect on your symptoms (green, orange or red light), you will be able to choose the 3 to 4 exercises that relieve you the most and practice them every day for 10 days.
For a more structured program, I invite you to discover my solutions below.
For further information: Free 21-day program against back pain
To help you resume physical activity safely, I invite you to try my 21 day program against back pain, 100% free.
👉 Sign up here for the 21 Day Back Pain Program
For a more comprehensive approach, discover Lombafit Studio, a platform dedicated to guided exercises to relieve and prevent back pain.
👉 Discover Lombafit Studio here
- McKenzie, RA (1981). The Lumbar Spine: Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy. Spinal Publications.
- Van Tulder, M., et al. (2006). Exercise Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
My name is Anas Boukas and I am a physiotherapist. My mission ? Helping people who are suffering before their pain worsens and becomes chronic. I am also of the opinion that an educated patient greatly increases their chances of recovery. This is why I created Healthforall Group, a network of medical sites, in association with several health professionals.
My journey:
Bachelor's and Master's degrees at the University of Montreal , Physiotherapist for CBI Health,
Physiotherapist for The International Physiotherapy Center