Arnold Nerve Acupressure Point: Natural Relief

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THEacupressure figure among one of methods to relieve Arnold's neuralgia and other neck pain. Patients who have used this technique testify to having derived many health benefits from it. We will talk about it in this article.

Definition and anatomy

Le arnold's nerve, also called the greater occipital nerve, owes its name to the German anatomist Friedrich Arnold who described it for the first time in 1834. It is the nerve that is at the origin of all the movements that can be made by the muscles of the neck and which makes it possible to feel the sensations at the level of the scalp. the Arnold's nerve is both a motor nerve and a sensory nerve.

This nerve is located between the base of the skull and the birth of the spine. More specifically, between vertebrae cervical C1 and C2 named atlas and axis.

It is one of the largest of the posterior branches of the cervical nerves with its diameter of 3 mm. Like the C1 and C3 occipital nerves, the direction of Arnold's nerve is ascending while the other branches C4 and C5 follow a horizontal or descending course.

Le Arnold's nerve can be subject to various disorders which generally manifest themselves by more or less intense pain from the neck to the head when the latter performs movements. This is called Arnold's neuralgia.

Focus on Arnold's neuralgia

La Arnold's neuralgia, also called Arnoldite, is the result of inflammation, irritation, compression, or injury to the occipital nerves passing through the scalp. However, it can also be due to a degenerative disease.

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The pain caused by these disorders can be very intense and last for several days or even weeks. To learn more about this condition, click on this link.

Causes and Symptoms of Arnold's Neuralgia

The causes

Arnold's neuralgia can occur spontaneously or provoked. What is moreover the case of all the neuralgias. Among its most common causes are:

  • Head injuries, due to a major fall or a car accident for example;
  • The blocking of a vertebrate cervical spine due to poor posture during sleep or poor repetitive movements;
  • Injuries to the skull, caused by wearing a hat or helmet that is too tight;
  • Rheumatism such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
  • A syringomyelia which is a rather rare disease of the spinal cord ;
  • The stress.


Arnold's neuralgia can manifest itself through various symptoms, namely:

  • A more or less intense pain on the whole or half of the neck;
  • A sharp pain felt from the neck to the spine;
  • A sharp pain behind the head;
  • Burning, tingling or electric shock sensations in the head;
  • A feeling of numbness;
  • Sudden and violent headaches which can radiate to the eye.

All these pains can be felt at the same time or not. In any case, they are very disabling for the person who has to bear them. Moreover, when they are too intense, dizziness can occur.

Conservative and invasive treatment

The first thing to do in case of intense and persistent pain is obviously to consult a doctor. He can make a first diagnosis by examining the general condition of the patient or by having him do a cervical MRI.

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At the end of the consultation, the attending physician may prescribe:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or paracetamol;
  • Cortisone injections and a local anesthetic;
  • Physiotherapy or osteopathy sessions.

He may also suggest doing some physical exercises to relax the neck muscles such as stretching, active walking, etc.

Natural solutions such as acupuncture, herbal medicine or naturopathy are also possible.

Acupressure, a plausible therapeutic option?

Still little known to the general public, acupressure is nevertheless a very effective method to relieve many ailments. This is particularly the case for Arnold's neuralgia.

It's about a manual therapy which consists of stimulating specific acupuncture points by exerting a certain pressure on them. This technique, derived from traditional Chinese medicine is based on acupuncture itself. It aims to rebalance the vital energy along the meridians.

True, the positive effects of this technique are not yet proven by science. Still, a good number of patients have experienced many benefits with this therapy. In addition, by stimulating the right acupressure points, it is possible to fight against stress, anxiety, insomnia and many other daily ailments.

Acupressure points are not easy to identify as there are several. We can cite 12 channels called "meridians" that run through the body and allow the circulation of "Chi" (energy).

For relief of Arnold's Neuralgia and other neck pain, the best known acupressure point is the Third Meridian Point. It is located on the edge of the hand, just below the little finger, where a crease appears when you bend your fingers. A circular massage accompanied by light finger pressure on this point will surely relieve the pain.

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Otherwise, it is recommended to use a acupressure cushion or mat for effective and immediate relief. This solution makes it possible to simultaneously stimulate several acupressure points present in the neck. This is also ideal against sleep disorders related to Arnold's neuralgia, stress, anxiety or others.

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