Asthma and back pain: The possible links (and how to deal with them)

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Both asthma and chronic back pain can be considered a disease of our century. Although the two problems do not have a direct causal link, asthma can in certain specific cases have repercussions on the health of your back. In this article, we will see how the two pathologies can be linked and especially how to remedy this problem.

Asthma: A common respiratory disease

Asthma is a common pathology affecting the airways. Just in France, there are about 4 million people with asthma. This pathology manifests itself in the form of more or less acute crises, the frequency of which is variable. During an asthma attack, there is a narrowing of the airways, the appearance of mucus, the formation of edema, wheezing and coughing.

These episodes of shortness of breath (dyspnea) are caused by triggers that vary from person to person. These can be airborne particles, air pollution, animal hair, etc. Treatments exist to relieve asthma attacks, however, it is currently impossible to cure them completely.

Chronic back pain

Chronic back pain is a category that actually includes a multitude of pathologies (low back pain, sciatica, herniated disc, lumbago, etc). According to a poll conducted by OpinionWay, 9 out of 10 French people say they have already suffered from back pain. The causes most often mentioned are a sedentary lifestyle and repetitive physical work.

The severity and duration of this pain can range from a few days to a chronic syndrome that lasts for several years.

Asthma and back pain

As surprising as it may seem, asthma and back pain can become interrelated (to some extent). Indeed, breathing involves a complex and complete movement of the upper part of the body, including the back. Thus, for example, in the event of an intense and continuous cough (especially during an asthma attack) the multiplication of sudden muscle contractions can aggravate back pain.

The opposite situation is also possible, with back pain which, by making it difficult to breathe and increasing chest stress, promotes the onset of asthma attacks.

It is therefore advisable to be particularly vigilant if the two pathologies are combined, because as we have just seen, it is an increased risk factor for the aggravation of one or the other, or even of both. .

What are the solutions to this type of problem?

Let's now come to the existing solutions to deal with both asthma and back pain.

Concerning asthma, effective treatments make it possible to reduce the duration and intensity of asthma attacks, but also to prevent them (in particular in the prevention of exercise-induced asthma). These treatments come in the form of a asthma inhaler containing an active ingredient, usually in powder form. There are several treatments in the category of bronchodilators with quite similar effects and effectiveness. Some continents of salbutamol like Ventolin or Airomir, others like Bricanyl contain terbutaline. There are also basic treatments for asthma which are based on corticosteroids.

Regarding back pain, again the key is to take care of the problem at the root. Excellent results can be observed by using osteopathy or chiropractic. But since back pain is most often caused by a sedentary lifestyle and poor posture, the best thing is to correct this aspect. Regular physical activity and postural work can work wonders.

Thus, as we have seen, there is no fatality, especially concerning back pain which, unlike asthma, is not hereditary and can be cured permanently. A few simple actions will relieve your back and appropriate asthma management should limit attacks and their side effects (especially in the back).

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