Bertolotti Syndrome: Definition and Management

bertolotti syndrome

Article reviewed and approved by Dr. Ibtissama Boukas, physician specializing in family medicine 

Bertolotti syndrome refers to the presence of pain resulting from an anatomical variant called “lumbar sacralization”. This is a partial or total fusion of the L5 vertebra with the sacrum (and sometimes the iliac bone).

Surprisingly, this condition is relatively common in the general population, with a prevalence between 4 and 30%. However, it is little taken into account in the diagnosis and management of low back pain.

Sometimes asymptomatic, the sacralization lower back pain has been linked to anatomical and biomechanical changes that can cause lower back pain and other symptoms. Bertolotti syndrome must therefore be considered as a differential diagnosis in the treatment of back pain.

To know everything about L5 lumbar sacralization (painful or not), see the following article.

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