L5-S1 Herniated Disc: 6 Treatments to Relieve and Treat Pain

Two men

If you suffer from a herniated disc at the L5-S1 level, you probably know how painful and disabling it can be.

Lower back pain may radiate into the leg, causing symptoms of sciaticaIn this article, I offer you six treatments adapted to this condition to relieve your pain and improve your quality of life.

What is L5-S1 disc herniation?

The L5-S1 disc herniation is located between the last two lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum, an area that supports a large part of the body weight and experiences significant compression and shear forces due to trunk movements. This herniation is one of the most common and can irritate nerve roots, especially the L5 nerve, causing severe pain and sciatica symptoms.

When the L5 nerve is irritated, it can cause loss of feeling in the leg, numbness, tingling and burning sensations all the way down to the foot. Muscle strength in the leg can also be affected, especially in the foot lifters. This can cause weakness when walking, especially if you have difficulty walking on your heels.

Treatments adapted to L5-S1 disc herniation

  1. Infiltration under scopy
    One treatment option is an infiltration performed under medical imaging to relieve inflammation and pain. Although this method can be effective, it is not always appreciated by patients.
  2. surgery
    In some severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove or reduce pressure on the herniated disc. This is a last resort, often after conservative treatments have failed.
  3. Therapeutic exercises
    While there is no specific exercise to target the L5-S1 level alone, exercises for the lower back and pelvis can help relieve pain and strengthen muscles. These exercises, when done correctly, can reduce pressure on the discs and improve mobility.
  4. Centralization of symptoms
    If your pain radiates down your leg, it is essential to "centralize" it, that is, to bring the pain back to the lower back. This can be achieved using certain specific techniques and exercises, such as those of the McKenzie method, which help to reduce nerve irritation.
  5. Strengthening leg muscles
    A herniated L5-S1 disc can weaken the muscles in the leg and cause a limp. Therefore, it is important to do strengthening exercises to improve muscle strength and stabilize the ankle. For example, balancing on the affected leg or using a resistance band to strengthen the foot lifters.
  6. Weight loss and spinal decompression
    If you are carrying a few extra pounds, losing weight can reduce pressure on the L5-S1 vertebrae. Additionally, spinal decompression exercises, such as lumbar traction, can relieve pain by creating space between the vertebrae.

McKenzie Method for L5-S1 Herniated Disc

The McKenzie Method is particularly effective for herniated discs that cause radiating pain down the leg.

This approach uses specific movements to centralize pain and relieve irritated nerves. These exercises are simple to perform and can be incorporated into a daily routine.


A herniated disc L5-S1 can be very disabling, but with the right treatments and a tailored approach, it is possible to relieve your pain and improve your quality of life.

Remember to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment. In the meantime, feel free to explore our 21-day program to start taking care of your back today.

For further information: Free 21-day program against back pain

To help you resume physical activity safely, I invite you to try my 21 day program against back pain, 100% free.

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For a more comprehensive approach, discover Lombafit Studio, a platform dedicated to guided exercises to relieve and prevent back pain.

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Michel Benoist (2002). Natural history of lumbar disc herniation and radiculalgia. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1169-8330(02)00302-2

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