Crural nerve: Anatomy, route, pain

crural nerve course

Article reviewed and approved by Dr. Ibtissama Boukas, physician specializing in family medicine 

Perhaps it's pain in the groin or front of the thigh that has you looking at the crural nerve. Or maybe the diagnosis of cruralgia which comes from damage to this nerve.

This article covers everything you need to know about the crural nerve (anatomy, course, pathologies). 

Anatomy and course of the crural nerve

Where exactly is the crural nerve located, and what is its course?

Also called the femoral nerve, the crural nerve is composed of nerve fibers coming from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lumbar vertebrae (L2, L3, L4). This amalgam of spinal nerves originating from the lumbar plexus passes through the belly, and continues its journey in the leg before dividing into several branches.

The crural nerve is sensory and motor at the same time (also called sensory-motor). In other words, its motor function allows the contraction of certain muscles at hip and knee level (such as hip flexors or knee extensors).

Its sensory function, it allows sensitivity at the level of the front and internal face of the leg and the foot (mainly thanks to the saphenous nerve, one of the most important branches of the crural nerve).

pathologies connected to the crural nerve

Pathologies related to the crural nerve are called cruralgia. Often they are accompanied by groin pain, hip or knee. Tingling and/or numbness on the front of the thigh may accompany the clinical picture. A physical examination by a healthcare professional will help clarify the diagnosis.

Imaging tests such as MRI or EMG will confirm the presence of cruralgia, in addition to determining the potential source of the problem ( herniated disc, disc protrusion, lumbar arthritis, degenerative disc disease, pinched or compressed crural nerve in rare cases, etc.).

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