Scoliosis: neurological complications (possible causes)

back pain surgery

La Scoliosis corresponds to a permanent deviation from column vertebral. The etiology is most often unknown, but sometimes it is the consequence of another disease or malformation. This disease is source significant unsightly repercussions, psychological, and in some cases, neurological complications. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Brief reminder about scoliosis

La spine is a flexible support rod which keeps thebalanced and alignment of our body. Its role is to ensure better resistance to mechanical stresses exerted on the trunk. It is made up of 33 vertebrae, divided into several groups: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae.

juxtaposition of vertebrae forming the spinal column

Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformation of the spine ( spine). This deformation is non-reducible, which contrasts it with scoliotic attitudes (which, by the way, are more frequent, but less serious).

She's clinically diagnosed in front of a:

  • trunk asymmetry : gibbosity, that is to say an S-shaped deformation of the spine;
  • modification of the profile curvatures of the spine: reduction of lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis;
  • rotation of the vertebrae.

It is confirmed by a spine x-ray in full, standing and facing (from the base of the skull to the complete pelvis included). The characteristic image of the pathology shows an angle of curvature (Cobb's angle) greater than or equal to 10 ° and rotation of the vertebrae participating in the curvature.

scoliosis x-ray

It is likely to worsen throughout growth and even after bone maturity, with maximum scalability during the puberty push.

It exists different forms de Scoliosis.

  • La idiopathic scoliosis, the origin of which is unknown. It appears mainly during early childhood or during puberty.
  • La neuromuscular scoliosis, caused by a neurological, muscular or neuromuscular disease.
  • La congenital scoliosis, caused by a congenital malformation (present at birth).
  • La degenerative scoliosis, due to age-related wear and tear on the vertebrae. It mainly affects the elderly.

The symptoms scoliosis vary from person to person. It may remain asymptomatic for a long time or be characterized by spinal pain (low back pain, back pain). These are very often the first sign of appeal.

man with inflammatory low back pain

The pain usually increases with the severity of the deformity. You can also have neurogenic claudication (fatigue when walking) and vesico-sphincter disorders (urinary leaks, insensitivity of the perineum, genitals, or even faecal incontinence).

If you want to know more about scoliosis, I invite you to click here.

Neurological complications of scoliosis

Outside of radiculalgia, the scoliotic patient may also suffer from neurological complications. However, these are exceptional cases.

These complications occur only in very severe forms with significant thoracic rotatory collapse and dislocation, where they may lead to spinal compression.

In this context, pain is usually present and is in the foreground. It is localized at the spinal or paraspinal level and may or may not be associated with radicular pain.

sciatica lumbago Scoliosis neurological complications

Mechanical pain can also occur when the patient presents with vertebral crush (disc disease ou Osteoarthritis), or a instability of the spine. And in some cases, other symptoms such as motor or sensory neurological deficit and sphincter disorders may also occur.

Remember that even though the neurological complications can occur, they remain very rare, especially in idiopathic scoliosis. It is such an exceptional possibility that the observation of neurological disorders, even minor ones, should above all raise doubts about the idiopathic nature of scoliosis. It is therefore necessary to look for an associated spinal pathology, of which scoliosis may be the predominant symptom.

On the other hand, the neurological complications represent always a potential risk during the surgical treatment de all scoliosis idiopathic, even in mild forms.

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