Greater 40 people on 100 suffer from sciatica. It is a disease that can be painful with neurological symptoms. Generally, it heals spontaneously, but this is not always the case. La prize de certain vitamins is one of the solutions to deal with it. Are they really effective? What vitamins for sciatica ? We will talk about it in this article.
What is sciatica?
Definition and reminder
La sciatica is a term used to refer to the pain along the sciatic nerve. It is therefore a painful nervous condition.
First of all, let's talk a bit about anatomy. The sciatic nerve is the biggest nerve of the human body. It runs through the lower limbs and allows us to move the leg or feet in flexion and extension movements. It also ensures the sensitivity of all the feet.
La sciatica as a pathology is explained by the compression of this nerve at the level of the lumbar vertebrae 4 and 5 or the sacral vertebrae 1 and 2. The nerve is then irritated and inflamed.
Symptoms of sciatica
Inflammation of the nerve manifests itself in symptoms such as:
- cramps, pains that often radiate from the buttocks to the legs;
- difficulty moving;
- muscle weakness;
- sensitivity issues;
- reflex problems;
- numbness.
The causes and risk factors of sciatica are numerous. We can mainly mention:
- Osteo-articular causes: characterized by a herniated disc, osteoarthritis or stenosis of the spinal canal.
- Circulatory problems: manifested by varicose veins, phlebitis.
Old age and deficiencies also promote sciatica. This is probably one of the reasons why vitamins can help.
Focus on the vitamin
Word " Vitamins is the contraction of two words: “vital” and “amine”. The vitamin can be defined as a important organic substance for life. She is from low molecular weight and has no energy value. Despite its characteristic, non-caloric, this substance remains essential for the proper functioning of the organs.
La Vitamins cannot be synthesized by our body. It is therefore mainly provided by food or by supplements. However, there are some exceptions such as vitamin D synthesized by the skin and vitamins B8 and K produced by bacteria in the intestines.
What are the roles of the vitamin?
La Vitamins participates in many vital chemical reactions, for example :
- in metabolism;
- for the synthesis of hormones and enzymes;
- for the stimulation of immunity;
- to optimize the growth and development of body parts as well as the proper functioning of various organs.
She also participates in construction, operation and maintenance of the body human.
The different types of vitamins
Vitamins can be classified according to several criteria. From the point of view of solubility, there are two main types:
- Water-soluble or water-soluble vitamins: these are vitamins B, C and PP. In case of excess, they are filtered by the body and the surplus is evacuated by the urine.
- Vitamins soluble in organic solvents like fats (fat-soluble): these are the vitamins A, D, E, K which tend to accumulate in the liver and fatty tissues. In case of excess, they can cause health problems.
The effects of the vitamin on the body
Once ingested and metabolized, the vitamin gets into the blood which transports it to the sites or tissues in which it will act. She exercises antioxidant actions which have the effect of limit cell degradation and the consequences of old age.
La Vitamins can probably contribute to the prevention of several pathologies such as cancer or osteoporosis. However, this remains controversial.
Un excessive vitamin intake does not bring more benefits. On the contrary, it could lead to adverse health effects.
Which vitamins for sciatica?
For sciatica, vitamins can help either in the a change. or in the neuropathy treatment. These key nutrients reduce the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. These include the following vitamins.
- Group B vitamins : they improve the health of the nerves and then help to remedy the problem of sciatica. These bring significant results in pain relief and nerve repair.
- Vitamin D.
It should be noted that the vitamin B12 plays an important role in the synthesis of the myelin sheath that envelops the nerves. It is therefore important for nerve functions. Thus, the deficiency of this vitamin can promote the problem of sciatica. Regarding the dosage, the literature indicates 50 mg of B1 and B6 combined with 250 micrograms of B12.
La vitamin C, administered with Vitamin E, brings better results in the treatment of sciatica. The effects are especially remarkable on the symptoms. This has been proven by a few scientific studies.
Vitamin intake can help, but is not a primary treatment for sciatica. Thus, it remains necessary to consult a health professional in order to benefit from appropriate care. We can in particular resort to conservative treatments, physiotherapy, injections, or even surgical interventions.