4 Effective Exercises to Relieve Your Cervical Hernia

A woman from behind

If you suffer from a cervical hernia, you know how varied and sometimes very painful the symptoms can be. Whether it is neck pain, radiation to the shoulders or arms, or even numbness and tingling in the fingers, the manifestations of this condition can seriously affect your quality of life.

My name is Anas, I am a physiotherapist, and in this article, I will introduce you four exercises simple and progressive movements to help you relieve the symptoms associated with a cervical hernia. These movements are designed to be safe, but be sure to stop immediately if you feel any increased pain to unusual symptoms. If you have any doubts, always consult a healthcare professional for appropriate care.

1. Cervical Retraction

The first exercise is cervical retraction, a safe movement to mobilize the cervical vertebrae and activate the stabilizing muscles of the neck.

How to do the exercise:

  • Lie on your back on a comfortable surface.
  • Tuck your chin back (as if creating a double chin).
  • Hold the position for 3 seconds then release.
  • Repeat 10 times, take a short break, then do a second set of 10 repetitions.

This exercise helps to:

  • Mobilize the cervical vertebrae, thereby increasing range of motion and reducing stiffness.
  • Stretch the suboccipital muscles (located at the base of the skull), which may be responsible for headache or pain radiating downward.
  • Activate the stabilizing muscles from cervical spine, essential for maintaining the stability of the vertebrae.


If this exercise becomes easy, try it in sitting to increase the difficulty. Always tuck your chin back, but this time without the support of your head.

2. Cervical Static Resistance

The second exercise aims to strengthen the stabilizing muscles of the neck through a simple static movement.

How to do the exercise:

  • Place two fingers on your forehead.
  • Push your head forward while resisting with your fingers (no head movement should occur).
  • Hold the contraction for 5 seconds then release.
  • Repeat 20 times in total, taking breaks if necessary.

This exercise strengthens the neck muscles without moving the vertebrae, which can be beneficial if the movements cause pain. Adjust the pressure according to your tolerance.

3. Activation of the Back Muscles

This exercise aims to strengthen the muscles between the shoulder blades, essential for stabilizing the shoulders and cervical region.

How to do the exercise:

  • Stand or sit.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides, then rotate your thumbs down and then rearward.
  • Bring your shoulder blades together, pulling your shoulders back.
  • Hold this position for 3 seconds then release.
  • Repeat 20 times (two sets of 10).

This movement is excellent for correcting posture, open the rib cage, and relieve tension in the trapezoids and neck.

4. Mobilization of the Median Nerve

The last exercise is designed for those who feel numbness, tingling, or a radiating pain in the arm. It helps to mobilize the median nerve, often affected by cervical hernia.

How to do the exercise:

  • Place the palm of your hand against a wall, fingers down and the arm straight.
  • Slowly tilt your head to the opposite side, as if stretching your neck.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat 20 times.

This movement puts tension on the median nerve, which runs from the cervical spine down the arm, to help reduce symptoms related to nerve compression.


  • If the exercise is too intense, you can keep the elbow slightly bent or just place your fingers on the wall, instead of your entire palm.
  • Reduce the range of head movement if the stretch is too strong.


All of these events offer an exceptional opportunity for young international arbitration practitioners to debate with eminent specialists in a friendly and open format and setting. four exercises are designed to be done gradually and carefully. They will help you:

  • Reduce stiffness at the level of the cervical spine.
  • Strengthen the stabilizing muscles neck and upper back.
  • Mobilize the nerves which may be compressed due to the hernia.

How to incorporate them into your routine:

  • do them everyday, starting with the first exercise and progressing to the following ones if you do not experience worsening of symptoms.
  • Take the time to listen to your body and don't hesitate to adjust the movements according to how you feel.

If you notice a improvement After a few days, continue these exercises to reinforce the cervical region. On the other hand, if the pain persists or worsens, stop and consult a healthcare professional for appropriate care.

Stay Active and Mobilize Your Neck!

Maintaining active muscles around the cervical spine is essential to prevent recurrences of pain. Do these exercises regularly, and if you have any questions or doubts, do not hesitate to consult.

I wish you a good recovery and rapid improvement in your symptoms.


Adrian Popescu et Doctor Haewon Lee (2020). Neck and lower back pain.

Cote, P. ∙ Cassidy, J.D. ∙ ​​Carroll, L. Saskatchewan Health and Back Pain Survey. Prevalence of neck pain and associated disabilities among Saskatchewan adultsSpine. 1998; 23 : 1689-1698

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