Article reviewed and approved by Dr. Ibtissama Boukas, physician specializing in family medicine
Sacroiliac pain often manifests as discomfort in the buttocks. It is often confused with the sciatica, and deserves special attention, especially if the pain persists.
What exactly is sacroiliac pain, and where does it come from? How do you know if the symptoms come from a dysfunction of this joint? And above all, how to relieve incapacitating pain or blocked sacroiliac sensation?
This popular article explains everything you need to know about the sacroiliac joint and the pain that results from it, with an emphasis on treatment strategies that can help you reduce your pain.
Sacroiliac joint definition and anatomy
It is believed that the sacroiliac joint is responsible for 15 to 30% cases of low back pain.
Before discussing sacroiliac joint pain (also called sacroiliitis), it is worth explaining the sacroiliac joint from an anatomical and physiological perspective.
The sacroiliac joint connects the bones of the pelvis (called iliacs) to the sacrum, a triangular bone located under the lumbar vertebrae. The main function of the sacroiliac joints is to absorb shock and increase trunk stability.
The sacroiliac joint normally has very little mobility, which means that there is very little movement at this level. If the joint is considered hypomobile (lack of physiological movement), it is considered more likely to generate sacroiliac pain. The same is true for a hypermobile joint, that is to say one that moves more than necessary.
6 causes of sacroiliac pain
Besides hypo or hypermobility, sacroiliac pain can arise from several causes. Here are the main ones:
1. trauma
Any direct or indirect impact to the sacroiliac joint can irritate the joint and cause pain. In addition, repeated attacks can wear out the joint and cause sacroiliac osteoarthritis.
2. Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine in the 3 planes of space. Basically, one or more vertebrae are deviated in the frontal, sagittal, and horizontal plane.
This torsion of the column will inevitably affect the pelvis and the sacroiliac joints. This increase in stress at this level can sometimes be responsible for pain.
However, it must be understood that scoliosis is not always symptomatic. This means that there are scoliosis that cause no lumbar or sacroiliac pain, in particular because of the human body's ability to adapt.
To know everything about the scoliosis in children and its support, see the following article.
3. Lower limb length difference
If you have one leg shorter than the other, this difference may increase stress on the sacroiliac joint. This inequality can be functional (caused by a muscular imbalance), or structural (due to trauma, surgery, or congenital).
On the other hand, it is not uncommon to observe people with different leg lengths without having any pain. It is generally accepted that if the difference is minimal (less than 1-2 cm), it is not not necessarily significant.
One way to determine if sacroiliac pain is due to lower extremity length discrepancy is to prescribe a corrective brace for a while. If we observe a relief of the symptoms, we can then think that this difference in length was the source of the problem.
4. Inflammatory disease
Several inflammatory conditions are responsible for sacroiliac pain. This is the case for example of the ankylosing spondylitis.
5. Pregnancy
The sacroiliac joints are modified during pregnancy to allow childbirth.
During pregnancy, the release of the hormone relaxin causes the ligaments to relax. In addition, the expansion of the uterus compromises the stability around the pelvis. The muscles must then compensate for the misalignment of the pelvis, which increases muscle tension and stress on the sacroiliac.
Le Lacomm syndromee describes a stretching of the sacroiliac joints causing pain. This occurs under the influence of increased growth of the baby and increased secretion of pregnancy hormones.
The approach is also different during this period. If we add the fact that the extra weight increases the load on the joints, it is not uncommon to observe sacroiliac pain in pregnant women.
In rare cases, the sacroiliac joint can become infected. It could be bacteria, septic arthritis, spondylodiscitis, etc.
Sacroiliac pain is often associated with fever. Symptoms usually resolve after taking antibiotics, although the diagnosis usually takes a long time to establish.
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Symptoms of the disease
Lower back and buttock pain is the primary sign of sacroiliac joint dysfunction.
This pain may also radiate to the thigh, hip, oldest boy, Calf, and even the foot. It is usually aggravated by:
- prolonged standing
- weight bearing on one leg
- stairs
- the race
- walking (especially if you increase the length of the steps)
If sacroiliac pain is present even at rest, it is usually a sign that the condition is more severe. This is especially true if the symptoms limit daily activities.
If the pain is present during the night, it is important to talk to a healthcare professional. Pain at night can exceptionally come from cancer, especially if it is associated with characteristic symptoms.
For symptoms indicative of a serious condition (such as cancer), see next article.
If the pain comes from a hypomobile sacroiliac joint, stiffness in the hips, lumbar region or pelvis may be observed.
If it is hypermobility that causes sacroiliac pain, then the patient will complain of instability of the pelvis and leg when walking, standing or during certain movements.
Sacroiliac pain can be difficult to diagnose because it is often confused with other conditions.
There are several clinical examinations, tests ofmedical imaging or other to investigate sacroiliac pain. Here are the most important:
Sacroiliac Test Cluster
As sacroiliac damage can reproduce lower back pain, in the buttock or lower limb, the ability to accurately differentiate damage to this joint from other causes is important. This will make it possible in particular to eliminate another attack that could reproduce similar symptoms such as:
- herniated disc
- disc protrusion
- inflammatory low back pain
- myofascial syndrome
- degenerative disc disease
- sciatica
- gluteus medius tendonitis
- piriformis syndrome
- narrow lumbar canal
- spondylolisthesis
- Maigne syndrome
- fibromyalgia
- etc.
Un sacroiliac test cluster is a group of clinical tests developed to guide the diagnosis of sacroiliac disease to aid in clinical decision making. Essentially, the more positive tests that are identified, the greater the likelihood of sacroiliac involvement.
It should be noted that for a test to be considered positive, it must reproduce the patient's characteristic pain (the one he complains about on a daily basis) in the sacroiliac joint. Commonly used tests are:
Sacroiliac distraction test
- The patient lies on his back with a pillow under his knees. The patient is sometimes asked to place their hands on the lower back in order to maintain the lumbar spine in a lordotic position.
- The examiner places his hands in front of the iliac crests, more specifically on the anterior-posterior iliac spines. The evaluator's arms are crossed, and his elbows are kept extended.
- A slow and gradual downward distraction force is applied (sacroiliac joint distraction force) while leaning toward the patient.
Sacroiliac compression test
- The patient is placed in a lateral decubitus position (on the side) facing the examiner. The symptomatic side is positioned up, and a pillow is placed between the knees as needed.
- The examiner applies progressive downward pressure by pushing on the ilium, more specifically between the iliac crest and the greater trochanter (force of compression of the sacroiliac joint).
Thigh Thrust Test
- The patient lies supine (on the back) with the hip on the affected side flexed 90 degrees. The knees are completely bent.
- The examiner stands on the affected side. He stabilizes the pelvis of the pelvis at the level of the antero-superior iliac spines (ASIS) with his hand.
- The examiner then exerts a progressive pressure in the axis of the femur with his hand and the weight of his body, so as to create an antero-posterior shearing force of the sacral iliac.
Gaenslen's test
- The patient lies supine (on his back), with the leg on the affected side sticking out of bed so that it hangs down.
- The patient places the unaffected leg in full hip flexion keeping the knee flexed. This creates posterior rotation of the ilium.
- The examiner helps stabilize the leg and pushes the unaffected leg downward. This creates a twisting force at the sacroiliac.
Faber test
- The patient is placed in the supine position (on the back). The assessed leg is placed in position so as to form a 4 (more specifically, the hip is positioned in flexion, abduction and external rotation). The outer side of the assessed ankle should rest on the opposite thigh after positioning the leg for the Faber test.
- While stabilizing the opposite side of the pelvis (at the level of the antero-superior iliac spine), the evaluator exerts a force aimed at pushing the knee of the affected leg towards the table. This is equivalent to a combined movement of flexion, abduction and external rotation.
Other experience
There are other lesser-known tests that help clarify sacroiliac involvement. Some studies include them in their diagnostic cluster. These include the following tests, among others:
- flamingo test
- Posteroanterior sacroiliac shear
- Gillet's test
- “Sacral Thrust0” test
- Palpation of the sacroiliac
- etc.
Note: To know the metrological qualities of the previous tests (inter-evaluator reliability, kappa score, LR+, LR-, etc.), see the following article.
Essentially, scientific research findings show that when three or more of these pain provocation tests are positive, there is a high likelihood that sacroiliac dysfunction is present.
Medical imaging
As clinical tests have limitations, it is not uncommon for doctors to order medical imaging tests to investigate sacroiliac pain.
An X-ray of your pelvis may show signs of sacroiliac joint damage. If the doctor suspects soft tissue involvement or an inflammatory condition, they may also order an MRI.
Diagnostic infiltration
In some cases, the doctor opts for a diagnostic infiltration. Basically, it involves injecting a local numbing agent (such as lidocaine or bupivicaine) into the sacroiliac joint to see if it provides temporary relief from symptoms.
After the diagnostic infiltration, the doctor might re-test movements that were previously painful. If the condition improves, then it can be concluded that the sacroiliac joint was responsible for the symptoms.
We will then concentrate the treatment around the sacroiliac, for example with subsequent infiltrations. If, on the contrary, there is no therapeutic effect, this would mean that your symptoms come from another structure, or from another cause.
Treatment: Relieve sacroiliac pain
Once it is determined that the sacroiliac pain is indeed originating from this joint (and not from a related structure), a consistent treatment plan can be established.
The specialists who treat this condition are mainly the doctor (general practitioner, rheumatologist, orthopedist), the physiotherapist (physiotherapist), the osteopath, and the chiropractor.
Here are the treatment modalities often used
heat and ice
These modalities, while usually not solving the source of the problem, can relieve symptoms when they become incapacitating. This makes it possible in particular to reduce (or avoid) the taking of medication.
If the pain persists, it is not uncommon to have recourse to medication. Typically, the doctor will start with a series of pills aimed at controlling pain and reducing inflammation.
As mentioned, infiltration can be used to diagnose sacroiliac pain. In the event of favorable results, subsequent infiltrations make it possible to control the symptoms.
To learn all about sacroiliac infiltration, see the following article.
Manual therapy
A trained therapist can relieve pain by applying manual therapy techniques to their patient.
If the pain is thought to be due to a hypomobile sacroiliac joint, mobilizations of the lumbar region and the sacroiliac joint may be beneficial.
If, on the contrary, the pain is attributed to hypermobility of the sacroiliac joint, the mobilizations will be minimized in order to concentrate on an active work of reinforcement and stabilization.
Be careful, do not think that the sacrum is displaced. The movements of the sacrum (called nutation and counter-nutation) as well as the sacroiliac amplitude are very minimal. This makes the displaced sacrum theory improbable.
Thus, the therapist cannot “unblock the sacroiliac”. On the other hand, manipulations can reduce muscle tension, and act by desensitizing the nervous system (which causes relief of sacroiliac pain).
When a patient consults a physiotherapist, he will benefit from an exercise program aimed at correcting the identified dysfunctions. On the other hand, we will aim to tone the gluteal muscles, make the hips more flexible, stabilize the lumbar region, etc.
It should be understood that the cause of sacroiliac pain can be different for everyone. This is why it is important to consult in order to benefit from an individualized program.
Here are some exercises often prescribed to correct sacroiliac dysfunction:
Hip extension (quadruped position)
- Position yourself on all fours (hands under shoulders, knees under hips).
- Then find the neutral position corresponding to the position of the pelvis halfway between the anteversion and the posteroversion of the pelvis.
- In this position, extend one leg back, making sure to point the foot as far behind as possible.
- Slowly return to the starting position, and repeat with the other leg.
- Repeat these movements for ten repetitions per leg.
One-sided bridge
- Lie on your back
- Extend the non-painful leg so that the knee is straight and maintain full extension.
- Raise the buttocks off the ground by pushing off with the heels of the affected leg.
- Slowly lower back to the starting position.
- Do these movements for about twenty repetitions. Take breaks as needed.
Lumbar twist
- Lie on your back with your legs straight.
- In a twisting motion, extend one arm to the side and bring the leg to the opposite side.
- Using the other arm, add extra pressure at the thigh to increase the level of twisting stretch as tolerated.
- Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds and do 3 sets.
Piriformis stretch
- Lie on your back.
- Cross the symptomatic leg so that the heel rests on the opposite leg.
- Pull the non-symptomatic leg towards you. At this point, you should feel a stretching sensation behind the symptomatic buttock.
- Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, then repeat 3 times, taking breaks between each set
Accessories and tools
There are several products and accessories available on the market to relieve sacroiliac pain. It should be remembered that these tools generally provide temporary relief, and should be used sparingly. Among the products recommended by our professionals, we have:
- 【Multifunctional Physiotherapy】The acupressure kit set includes an acupressure mat and pillow, and 2 massage balls. You can use the acupressure set in different ways and on different parts of the body, such as lower back pain, insomnia, chronic stress, fatigue, tension, circulatory disorders, etc.
- 【Safe and Premium Material】The acupressure mat massager, cushion cover and storage bag are made of 100% cotton, the inside is 21D high-density eco-friendly sponge. The massage nail is made of non-toxic ABS plastic. 100% natural without side effects, hypoallergenic.
- 【Natural Ancient Indian Healing】 The acupressure mat has 230 massage nails, 6210 massage points, the pillow has 73 massage nails, 1971 massage points. Your weight is evenly distributed into thousands of small pieces to stimulate countless acupuncture points. Ideal for relaxation and promoting circulation. The size of the acupressure mat is 68*42cm, the size of the massage pillow is 37 x 15 x 10cm.
Last updated on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- Heated lumbar belt and sacroiliac belt
- FITS HIP SIZE: Paskyee SI belt in REGULAR size fits hip circumference 76-120cm, PLUS size fits hip circumference 120-142cm. The non-restrictive design is suitable for both men and women. Measure just above your hips, see our images for a visual illustration.
- RELIEVES SCIATICA AND LOWER BACK PAIN - The SI Adjustable Hip Compression Brace will help support the lower spine and hips to relieve pain, pressure and stress caused by pelvic instability or joint dysfunction WHETHER. This medical grade belt is designed to effectively stabilize and support your pelvis and hips. Simply the best solution for: back pain, hip pain, pain
- SUPERB COMPRESSION AND SUPPORT: TRIPLE ELASTIC BANDS PROVIDE HIGH LEVEL COMPRESSION. The easily adjustable hip brace for women was designed to stabilize the Si joint to reduce acute pain and inflammation. The main waistband gives you support while the additional triple bands give you custom compression for the best result.
Last updated on 2025-03-14 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- Body heating – The heating pillow lumbar consists of a built-in heating pad that heats up quickly to provide warmth to treat symptoms, menstrual cramps and stomach ailments, arthritis, leg pain and more.
- Vibration Massage – The back massager is integrated with 4 powerful massage motors to deliver a soothing vibrating massage. It helps reduce tension and strain in the neck and shoulders, lower back, lumbar region, thighs and legs.
- Customizable Massage – This back pain relief wrap has 3 massage modes, 2 adjustable vibration intensities and 2 heating levels. Allows you to customize a setting for yourself to achieve the ultimate comfort. The heating pad is equipped with overheating protection and auto-off functions to ensure safe use.
Last updated on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- High Density Memory Foam – Designed with quality memory foam, this car lumbar cushion conforms to the shape of your back while maintaining its structure.
- Versatile for Office and Car - Ideal as an office chair lumbar cushion for work or as a car back cushion for long journeys. Also suitable for living room or dining room chairs.
- Breathable & Washable Cover – The office lumbar cushion has a ventilated cover that promotes air circulation and is removable and machine washable for easy maintenance.
Last updated on 2025-03-14 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- 30 LEVELS Massage Gun:ALDOM massage gun Choose the speed and massage heads that best suit your needs can quickly eliminate lactic acid produced after exercise, and for everyday relieve muscle pain, back and neck aches and stiffness, greatly reducing the time muscle recovery.
- Long Battery Life: Equipped with high quality battery, the muscle massager can keep working about 6-8 hours after charging, while the cooling system can effectively remove excess heat, if the battery is low, there will be a red prompt.
- Less than 45 dB Ultra Low Noise: ALDOM muscle massager gun which features high performance and low noise. features advanced technology and high-torque non-brushed electric motor, Featuring the high-precision mold which tightly connects the machine head and the body, The high-torque motor rotates 1800-4800 times per minute and achieves your tissue to loosen the fascia (connective tissue)
Last updated on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- LUMBA +: Uses the neuro-vertebral decompression technique recognized by INSERM, practiced in osteopathic practices and recognized by the Association of Exclusive Osteopaths. With daily use, LUMBA PLUS ECODE is able to invigorate the back and lumbar region. Its action is on several levels: it repositions the spine by realigning the crushed discs and allows the vertebrae to be decompressed. It also acts on the back muscles by stretching them, which allows them to relax and be much more flexible. RESULTS: A better quality of life: you move better and with less pain.
- Neurovertebral decompression is a key element in the treatment of back pain such as herniated discs, bulging discs, sciatic pain, disc degeneration and osteoarthritis. Vertebral decompression is a principle increasingly used in the treatment of back pain (sciatic nerve stuck, disc pinching, scoliosis, compression of the vertebrae or lower back pain).
- Let's discover the technique of spinal decompression and see together its effects by stretching against sciatica. Principle of spinal decompression Spinal (or neurovertebral) decompression is a gentle treatment used in cases of trapped sciatic nerve, herniated disc or in case of pinched disc. LUMBA PLUS ECODE device very easy to use. You just have to adjust the height of the device, place your chest on the padded imitation leather cushion and let yourself go forward to stretch your back.
Last updated on 2025-03-14 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- BACK MASSAGE ROLLER TO RELIEVE YOUR MUSCLE PAIN: relieve your muscle pain and tension with the Core Balance pimpled foam roller. Roll the muscle massage roller placed under your muscles to break up soft tissue adhesions and target painful trigger points (muscle knots).
- DEEPER MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Our back massage roller features a hollow plastic body with a nubbed foam exterior for deeper myofascial release. The nubs on this back roller act like the hands and fingers of a massager to target, relax and release tight muscle knots much more effectively.
- IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE: Rolling the back roller over your muscles releases toxins, and increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the target area. Massage your muscles with our fitness roller before or after a workout to boost your performance, speed up your recovery time and protect you from injury.
Last updated on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- Compex
- TO IMPROVE YOUR STRENGTH, ENDURANCE, RESISTANCE, REGAIN MUSCLE VOLUME AND RECOVER BETTER: The Compex SP4.0 is the electrostimulator designed for athletes who wish to improve their physical preparation, recover better, relieve their pain and have a solution for their rehabilitation.
- 30 PROGRAMS: 10 physical preparation programs, 5 recovery/massage programs, 8 pain relief programs, 5 fitness programs and 2 rehabilitation programs.
- 4 INDEPENDENT CHANNELS: With 4 independent channels, you can simultaneously work both thighs or both arms or the entire abdominal strap (abdominals + lumbar) for example.
Last updated on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
This is the last resort. It involves a sacroiliac arthrodesis, that is, the fusion of the sacroiliac joint (iliac bone and sacrum).
What about natural remedies?
Although they are not supported by solid scientific evidence, several natural products and home remedies are used to treat various body pains, especially for their anti-inflammatory power.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of plants and essential oils that are effective in controlling pain and inflammation:
- Turmeric : Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers very powerful, turmeric is one of the most used plants in a culinary and therapeutic context. The composition of turmeric is essentially made of essential oils, vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, E, K) and trace elements. But it is to its composition rich in curcumin and curcuminoids that we owe them and calm skin of this spice.
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- IDEAL AND PRACTICAL FORMULA – The powders we use are delicately harvested,…
Last updated on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- Ginger : In addition to the special flavor it brings to the kitchen and its aphrodisiac properties, ginger is a root well known for its anti-inflammatory powers. THE gingerol gives it its anti-inflammatory action. It is an active component acting on the inflammatory pain related to chronic joint inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, rheumatic diseases, etc. It has been proven that this active element is also effective in acting on the inflammation linked to arthritis and sciatica. Ginger also has other benefits thanks to its high potassium content and its richness in trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium) and vitamins (provitamin and vitamin B9).
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- 【Ginger Anti Swelling Detox Patch】: Ginger Detox Patches are natural,…
- 【Removes Body Toxins】: Ginger Foot Patches helps reduce the buildup of…
Last updated on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- Omega-3s : Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids that play a very important role in the functioning of our body. They are provided by food in three natural forms: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Beyond their action on the brain and the cardiovascular system, omega-3s prove very effective against inflammation. Indeed, they have the ability to act on the inflammatory mechanisms in osteoarthritis by slowing down cartilage destruction, thus they reduce the intensity of osteoarthritis pain. Since sciatica is most often linked to inflammation secondary to a herniated disc, it can also respond to omega-3s if you consume them regularly.
No product found.
- Lemon eucalyptus: Eucalyptus is a plant most often used in the form of herbal tea or essential oil. She would have anti-inflammatory effects which give it the ability to act on the bone and joint pain in general and the pain of sciatica in particular.
- Eucalyptus Citriodora Essential Oil.
- 100% pure.
- Botanical name: eucalyptus citriodo.
Last updated on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
- wintergreen : Wintergreen is a shrub from which a very interesting essential oil is extracted. It is one of the most used essential oils in aromatherapy. This oil extracted from the shrub bearing the same name, is used in massage to relieve sciatica and act like a analgesic. Indeed, it provides a heating effect thanks to its ability toactivate blood circulation locally.
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- PURESSENTIEL DNA: A range of 55 essential oils essential for well-being in the…
Last updated on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from the Amazon Partners API
When you suffer from low back pain, you should not rule out the possibility that sacroiliac pain is the cause of the symptoms.
This joint can be the site of dysfunction causing pain in the lower back, as well as radiating pain in the leg.
The diagnosis of this condition takes into account a clinical examination (including a neurological examination), medical imaging tests, and even infiltrations in some cases.
The treatment approach aims to reduce inflammation and mechanical stress around the sacroiliac joint. A healthcare professional is the most qualified to help you manage your sacroiliac pain.
Good recovery !