Take advantage of our free programs to have a more global vision of your condition, and to find solutions that will relieve you on a daily basis.
Note: None of these programs replace a medical consultation, do not hesitate to consult for appropriate care.
21 day program against back pain
The best exercises to eliminate your back pain in 21 days in the comfort of your home!
Herniated Disc and Sciatica: Your Complete Guide
Eliminate your pain from a herniated disc or sciatica by following the steps in this guide.
How to get rid of lumbago quickly
Complete guide to help you relieve your pain for good after a lumbago!
15 self-treatment techniques to relieve your back
15 100% natural techniques to eliminate your back pain in the comfort of your home!
Back pain in 100 questions
Find the answers to the questions that bother you about your pain (prognosis, severity, diagnosis, imaging, solutions, etc.)