Back pain after running: What to do? (solutions)

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If you're like many runners, you've probably felt a back pain at one time or another. This can be a real hindrance to your running routine, and it is important to take steps to correct the problem as soon as possible.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most common causes of back pain after running, as well as tips for relieving pain. Keep reading to find out more!

Spine Anatomy: Definition

La spine (or spine) is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. Its primary function is to protect the spinal cord and allow the body to move in various directions. The spine is made up of 33 vertebrae, which are grouped into five different regions:

Each vertebrate is linked to those which precede and follow it by pairs of strong ligaments. The spaces between the vertebrae are filled with soft pads called intervertebral discs.

These discs help absorb shock and protect the vertebrae from damage. The muscles and ligaments of the spine work together to keep the vertebrae aligned and allow the body to move smoothly and in coordination.

Biomechanics of running

La biomechanics running is extremely complex and involves the interaction of many skeletal, muscular and neurological systems. When running, the body must strive to create a smooth, efficient stride while balancing multiple competing forces.

Le skeletal system must provide support and structure to the muscles to generate the necessary power, while the muscles must contract and relax in a coordinated fashion to produce the desired movement. the nervous system must also play a key role in regulating the activity and muscle coordination.

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While much research has been conducted on the running biomechanics, there is still much to learn about how all of these systems work together to enable humans to run.

However, understanding the running biomechanics can help us improve our technique and minimize the risk of injury and above all, know where it could come from back pain after running.

Back Pain After Running: Possible Causes

Le back pain is a common complaint among runners of all experience levels. Although some degree of discomfort is to be expected, persistent or intense pain can be a sign that something is wrong.

Fortunately, there are a number of possible explanations for the back pain after running, and treatments are available for most of them.

Bad running technique

Runners who land on their heel with each stride put unnecessary pressure on their back, which can lead to pain and injury.

Another common cause of back pain is the weakness or contraction of back muscles, trunk or legs. When these muscles are unable to properly support the spine, it can lead to pain and discomfort.

Unsuitable shoes

Poor quality footwear can also contribute to back pain after running. Shoes that are too stiff or too soft can exert a excessive pressure on the spine and cause discomfort.

bad surface

One of the potential causes of back pain after running is a poor running surface. If you run frequently on hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt (the tarmac), your bones and joints can be put to the test. Over time, this can lead to inflammation and pain.

To avoid this, try to mix up your running routes and choose surfaces that are softer and easier on your body. Grass, dirt roads, and treadmills are all good options.

Resuming the race too quickly

When you start again run after a break, it's important to slowly increase your mileage and give your body time to adjust.

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Otherwise, you risk too much engage your muscles and ligaments, which will lead to pain and inflammation. If you have back pain after running, take a few days off to recover.

Then begin to gradually increase the course until you have found your usual training volume. Make sure not to progress or change too many parameters at the same time (running speed, distance, surface, etc.).

With a little patience, you should be able to get rid of your back pain and rediscover the pleasure of running.

Listen to your body and adjust the frequency and intensity of your running sessions

La running is a high-impact activity that can put considerable strain on the back. In most cases, the pain is due to an incorrect setting of frequency, intensity or duration. When you start a running program, it's important to slowly increase your pace and listen to your body.

If you feel any back pain, reduce your running time and try running every other day instead of every day. You may also need fit your shoes or running surface.

Back pain: what to do?

Le back pain is a common problem that can have many different causes.

Consult to identify and treat the source of the problem

To determine the best treatment, it is important to consult a medical professional to identify the source of the problem. Once the cause is determined, there are a variety of different treatments that can be effective for manage back pain.

These include medications, physical therapy (physiotherapy), and lifestyle changes. Depending on the severity of the problem, a combination of these treatments may be needed to get relief.

With patience and perseverance, most people are able to find a treatment plan that helps them manage their back pain and lead a relatively normal life.

Try Various Back Pain Modalities

Although the exact cause of back pain can be difficult to determine, there are several things you can do to reduce your pain and improve the overall health of your spine.

One of the best things you can do is try various ways to fight back pain. It can be osteopathy, natural products, acupuncture or even kinesitherapy (physiotherapy). Additionally, you can also take steps to improve your posture and strengthen your back muscles.

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By taking a comprehensive approach to back pain relief, you can help improve your quality of life and prevent future spinal problems.

Improve your comfort and get rid of your back pain

Exercise, poor posture and carrying excessively heavy objects are all common causes of back pain. In most cases, the pain eventually goes away on its own. However, there are ways to relieve pain waiting.

For example, you can try over-the-counter pain medication, apply heat or ice on the affected area, or focus on gentle stretching exercises, swimming, or cycling. If the pain persists or worsens, you should consult a healthcare professional.

In some cases, back pain may be caused by a more serious underlying condition and will require a medical treatment.

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