Emotional map of the back: another way of understanding low back pain

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Are there any links between back pain and emotions ? In our logic, it is normal to first think of pathologies (lesions, disc degeneration, kidney disease, osteoporosis, etc.) when talking about lumbago. But do you know that the depressed people ou stressed suffer from back pain twice as much as the average? Which leads to think that the lower back pain can also be questions emotions. In this article, you will discover another way to interpret the low back pain, because we are going to talk about the back emotional map.

The emotional map of the back: what is it?

It is difficult to find definitions specific to the back emotional map in the literatures. But to make it more understandable, it would be easier to describe it as an attribution of specific emotions corresponding to each region of the back.

The back, low back pain and emotions: what are the links?

Get to know the back

This part of the trunk can be considered the stable pillar on which our whole body rests. It is one of the bases of our physical construction. Indeed, it is the Both of you that supports our muscles and fits our organs. It also contains the spine which protects part of the central nervous system: the spinal cord. This is why the Both of you to a central role.

Moreover, it is impossible to live normally without moving the Both of you. It keeps you standing, sitting, lying down or even lying down. It supports you no matter the position, posture and movement of your body.

Better understand low back pain

La lumbago means the pain from the region of vertebrae lumbar, that is, at the level lower back.

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As a reminder, lumbar spine consists of 5 small cylindrical bones: the lumbar vertebrae. They are superimposed on each other and are separated by intervertebral discs which act as a shock absorber. These vertebrae pass through their center, the spinal cord. The latter is the root of the sensory and motor nerves. The whole is surrounded by muscles, tendons, ligaments and traversed by vessels and nerves. Thus, a lesion at the level of these structures can be the cause of low back pain. It should be noted that the lumbago is the most frequent and common form of back pain. Moreover, it can affect all categories of people at any age.

She may be chronic i.e. more than 3 months. Otherwise, it is said Acute. We then speak of lumbago. In any case, it generates Genoa, discomforts which can slow down work as well as all other activities of daily living.

How do our emotions affect our back?

We all know that there is always an element that triggers the pain we feel. It can be false movements, shocks, etc. However, every day, we may unconsciously make false movements, but which do not cause pain. One wonders then, why do they generate them at a given moment?

In response, the pain not only have physical reasons. In fact, studies have shown that the psyche as well as emotions have some influences on back pain.

The pain are in fact, neurological sensations transmitted by the nervous system. The emotions as for them, when we do not manage to manage them, they result in chemical imbalances, at the level of the nervous system, in particular the brain. There is then appearance or intensification or even a prolongation of the pain.

For example, the fear, stress et anxiety lead to reactions that increase blood cortisol levels, which induces muscle tension and nervous disorders. This may partly explain back pain in people who suffer from stress and anxiety.

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And when stress and emotions build up, there's muscle hardening who are constantly strained. The nerves also become irritated.

This is how they explain the links between the back, low back pain and emotions.

Indeed, everything that we experience in our life creates in us plugs or openings at specific points. These are benchmarks for creating a cartography. It can help to understand and help release emotions responsible for the pain since each region of the back has a specific meaning in terms of emotions.

So, the back emotional map is a key, important element in contributing to get rid of low back pain.

Low back pain according to the emotional map of the back

To understand the emotional meaning of low back pain, one must consider the lower back emotional map. This evokes imbalances in your life.

They are linked to a strong fear of abandonment, humiliation and also to wounds of the past that you dwell on and from which you are not yet completely healed.

Thus, pain and tensions felt at this level can be interpreted as a lack of serenity et joy in your life.

What to do: our advice to avoid the emotional causes of low back pain

The low back pain are favored by many emotional risk factors, among which we can cite:

  • the stress ;
  • the Depression ;
  • negative attitudes and views towards life;
  • feelings of helplessness, disappointment and discouragement.

So the thing to do is work on these factors. It is therefore advisable to:

  • do breathing and relaxation exercises to get rid of stress and release negative emotions;
  • doing positive visualization exercises;
  • forgive yourself, forgive others and move on.
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To conclude, the emotions and back pain are closely related. This is why the back emotional map can be a key tool to contribute to relieve low back pain. Admittedly, drug treatments provide relief, but if the root of the problem is emotional, their effectiveness will not be satisfactory.

It is best to consider a global approach which considers both psychological and emotional factors as well as physical ones. Treatments such as sophrologie and Shiatsu may be needed.

So, to avoid the consequences that these problems can cause in the long term, always make sure listen to the messages your body is sending you, more particularly your back.





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